So, why are you here?

You might be just finding it hard to get out of bed in the morning because the day ahead seems so arduous. You might get panic attacks or feel anxious over the smallest things.

Minor issues may knock you off course and cause you what appears to be an extreme reaction. You just cannot cope sometimes. Do you find yourself getting angry or aggressive easily? Taking risks? Does it feel like everything is overwhelming you, that small things feel like BIG things, that everything is just a huge problem that saps your energy? Do you find yourself becoming emotional about everything – it might just be that you get a bit tearful for no reason even, that TV programmes or music makes you especially sad? Do you find yourself not wanting to meet up with friends or socialise? Are you finding it difficult to engage with your family at home?

We could go on and on, listing behaviours that might indicate that you are suffering, but here is the good news:

Many people suffer like this and there is no ‘perfect’ way to be or to feel. Events in life can leave us a little bit broken and that is OK. It is what makes us who we are – but we can try to address these things so that we understand why we feel the way we do from time to time and most importantly, FIND THE TOOLS TO COPE WITH THESE FEELINGS.


Exploring our own mental health and talking about it, especially when we are really struggling, helps us to recognise why we are finding life difficult and perhaps, even, to get to the root causes and try to address them. Many people have issues that they have never before spoken about but which continue to cause problems, many years later. It is entirely

possible that just having a conversation with someone for the first time offers enormous relief; just saying out loud some of the things that are on your mind can work wonders.


"You’ll probably think I’m just being silly" is a common opening gambit in conversations about mental health, especially when people first reach out. It is important for you to know, as you begin your journey to a better place, that NOTHING is silly, nothing is unimportant.

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